* New:
- Hi-res driver: support for Android 15+
- DSP widget mode: RMS widget + Album Art
- User Manual in settings → Help
- manual sorting of source entries inside Sources category
- support DSD2048
- support PCM 2822400, 3072000 Hz
* Allow Ambiophonics RACE for >2 channel output for simulation of Concert Hall effect with multi-speaker configuration (>3 channels)
! Fixed:
- IPv6 WebDAV path truncated when entered in Address field
- various minor crashes
* New:
- Hi-res driver: support for Android 15+
- DSP widget mode: RMS widget + Album Art
- User Manual in settings → Help
- manual sorting of source entries inside Sources category
- support DSD2048
- support PCM 2822400, 3072000 Hz
* Allow Ambiophonics RACE for >2 channel output for simulation of Concert Hall effect with multi-speaker configuration (>3 channels)
! Fixed:
- IPv6 WebDAV path truncated when entered in Address field
- various minor crashes
* Support for FiiO J family DAPs (JM21)
! Fixed:
- could not scan folder or open file if name has leading space
- damaged FLAC could not be read fully due to resync process breaking the read operation
- Network settings were not visually updated when reset with a bottom -middle button
- crash if sorting track when refreshed source entry reloaded tracklist
- other rare crashes
! Fixed:
- Delay of Surround DSP could not be set to max value at 384+ kHz
- EQ's bands not updated in Controls screen when EQ preset is reset from its dialog
- garbled DSD playback if Connection and Controls - Sound Feedback is On and playback is controlled with headset media buttons
* New:
- Ratings -> Ignore Metadata option: to ignore rating in the tags/metadata of the music file when importing it to the media library
* Improved and re-enabled Backup/Restore functionality via Neutron Console (check FAQ how to backup/restore Neutron's settings: https://neutroncode.com/faq/73-backup-restore)
* New:
- ability to Backup/Restore settings via Neutron Console (subscription)
- ability to create NeutronID via Settings - NeutronID - [+]
* Sleep Timer: show absolute time additionally (can also be edited manually)
* Pitch/Tempo DSP: increased precision of displayed slider value to 0.0001
! Fixed:
- could replay shuffle history if already played track is selected again manually from the track list
- missing 32-bit Int support for iBasso DX180
- max PCM rate for HiBy R4
* More compatibility works related to Android 14 SDK and all Android versions
! Fixed:
- gapless FLAC
- PCM to DSD could not be set to DSD64 (now a separate option, default is DSD128)
- Output To: Google Nest Hub Max could not be found (Nest's fw bug)
- false Trial Expired and related misbehavior when launching app with USB DAC/Headphones attached
- playlists could not be loaded if there are leading / in the file paths
* Improved:
- compatibility with Android 14 and earlier versions
- SFTP IPv6 support
* Fixed:
- USB DAC can not be acquired reliably (regression of 2.24.5)
- if USB DAC access permission is rejected audio engine is left without active driver
Note: if Trial Expired appears it is a problem of Google Play services stuck on your device, not fault of Neutron - clear cache of Neutron, Google Play Store app and Google Play services, reboot device, then re-open Neutron from Google Play!
* New:
- Pseudo-stereo DSP effect: Creates a pseudo-stereo (fake stereo) effect from mono sources (mono/1-channel tracks only). Manage by profile, accessible via Playback -> DSP Effect -> Pseudo-stereo
* Improved overall performance
! Fixed:
- Category Widget not showing up when pressing the 3-dot button in the Media Library screen (bottom left corner)
- Occasional ANRs (Application Not Responding) when the app tries to connect to the network while opening the UI
- ability to rate groups of tracks (multiselection, albums, ...) from properties dialog
- support for rating tag IRTD in WAV, POPM MusicBee in ID3v2
- Shanling DAPs: up to PCM 1.536 Mhz/DSD1024 on M9 Plus, native DSD support on Android 10+
- optional action User Interface -> Panel: Top: Power Off
* Show real-time Cumulative EQ Bode Plot in individual EQ filters
* Subsonic and Ultrasonic DSP: UI moved to Playback - DSP Effect, managed by Profile, Off in Bit-perfect
* Updated AutoEq
- ability to rate groups of tracks (multiselection, albums, ...) from properties dialog
- support for rating tag IRTD in WAV, POPM MusicBee in ID3v2
- Shanling DAPs: up to PCM 1.536 Mhz/DSD1024 on M9 Plus, native DSD support on Android 10+
- optional action User Interface -> Panel: Top: Power Off
* Show real-time Cumulative EQ Bode Plot in individual EQ filters
* Subsonic and Ultrasonic DSP: UI moved to Playback - DSP Effect, managed by Profile, Off in Bit-perfect
* Updated AutoEq
New DSP UI widget mode: Waveform only with/without album art in background
* Use signal for Alarm if music is playing during the Alarm time
! Fixed:
- FLAC file reading could be stopped due to bitstream errors inside the file
- playback button does not change state to Stop if streaming to UPnP/Chromecast and breaking it by pressing the icon
- rare crash in UI
- reverted to max 8 I/O channels
* New:
- tracks sorting type solely by filename
- ability to remove track from Recently Played, Most Played by -Playlist action
- support max 10 channels
* Increased size of EQ bands slider in Controls screen
* Show -fp for bits of floating-point format
* Improved Lyrics dialog
* Updated AutoEQ database to the latest (Oct 2023)
! Fixed:
- Recently Played behavior
- Most Played entry not counted if playing from Most Played list
- could not connect to some modern HTTPS WebDAV servers
- ...
* New:
- Targeted Android 13: !!! make sure you created source entry via SAF, old Linux paths are no longer supported by OS !!!
- category option All Songs to switch off All Songs
- Tile View option for Albums, Artists, Genres, ... separately
- [+ Queue] to Songs for easier handling of random playback via Dynamic, Random Queue
- Czech translation
* Improved:
- resolving playlist's paths with SAF
! Fixed:
- Filter DSP: Q giving insufficiently steep slope for Shelf filters (HS, LS)
- ...
* New:
- time label on Queue entry: to show total time of all tracks in the Queue
! Fixed:
- streaming to Chromecast Audio devices with latest firmware (1.56.281627+)
- looping of the first track in the Queue when more tracks were enqueued after the first one and Loop Track List is On
* New:
- AH - Direct USB Access - Release Inactive Device: release USB device to the OS and other apps when paused
- UI - Optional Features - Recently Added: to disable/enable Playlists -> Recently Added
- Playlists - Most Played in Android Auto
* Improved:
- album-art lookup for Albums list by using album-art image from the first music track
! Fixed:
- hi-res for FiiO 11 Pro
- interrupted playback for 1-2 seconds when resumed after focus loss
* New category Playlists - Most Played
* [+ Streaming] action for streaming entries of the media library
* Switch groups in a loop (now default behavior, including swipe up/down in Playing Now)
* Enable 32-bit Int format for Shanling DAPs
* Improved compatibility with Android 12+
* Full PCM and DSD support for HiBy R6 III
* Improved compatibility with WebDAV servers
* Updated FRC - AutoEq presets to the latest
! Fixed:
- rare crash when connecting to Chrome cast device which rejects connection
* Updated FRC DSP - AutoEq database to the latest
* Improved hi-res audio support for Shanling M3 Ultra DAP
! Fixed:
- imprecise MP3 seeking which caused mismatching of the synchronized lyrics
- silent background crashes on Android 12+ if widget is installed (OS limitation: on Android 12+ background service can no longer be started by the widget)
- silent crash when placing widget and service is not started
* Support for hi-res audio on Android 13
* Support for FiiO M11S, R7-R9
* Better support for iBasso DX170, DX240, DX300MAX, DX320
* Web-search by the title, album, artist (long-press song entry - press item to search)
* Make URLs in UPnP device properties openable in a web browser
! Fixed:
- Recently Added playlist not updated during playback
- Proximity control not working on some firmwares
- compatibility with Asus router WebDAV server where router path was hidden from the folder list
* New:
- Tempo categories are long-pressable and provide +Queue, +Playlist for easier mixing;
- "All Tempo" category which does not group BPM for a more fine grained mixing;
- optional Tempo category in the top-panel;
- uninterrupted playback of SFTP sourced track when Internet connection changes.
* Updated FRC/AutoEQ database to the latest.
! Fixed:
- Global Search result cleared if source entry is refreshed;
- other crashes ...
* New:
- Tempo/BPM Analysis: accessible from top-level settings list (or long-press Album), analyzes BPM of tracks and creates media liberary - Tempo category
- [PCM to DSD] - Oversample 8x option: to force 8x oversampling for PCM core before conversion to DSD (REQUIRES VERY FAST FUTURE CPU!!!)
- Digest authentication for WebDAV source
* Bound Audio Hardware - Hardware Volume and Playback - 64-bit Processing to profile
* Improved SAF permissions handling
! Many fixes (see Release Notes)
Neutron is now targeting Android 11 as per Google Play requirement, so your media library could become inaccessible after an update:
1) You can get old unrestricted behavior by downloading Generic package from Neutron's web site:
2) You have to re-create sources and use SAF, see full FAQ:
All release notes are available on Neutron forum.
* New:
- support SAF storage: Sources - + - File System - + [bottom], adds support for USB Storage on some firmwares
- option:
# Audio Hardware - Upmix
# Network - Prefer Direct
- DSD256 option for PCM to DSD mode (only for powerful devices!)
- IPv6 support
- support 705.6 and 768 kHz frequencies on HiBy R6 DAPs
- support DSD256 on FiiO M11
- bind Audio Hardware - Follow Source Frequency to Profile
* Improved USB driver compatibility with Rockchip SoC
* Updated FRC - AutoEq database
* New:
- sorting Albums list by Artist and Date: Albums - Sort By: Albums - Artist
- support ID3v2 POPM (Popularimeter) tag (re-scan library)
* Improved handling of BT connect/disconnect events
! Fixed:
- could not bind EQ, FRC, Profiles to BT device by its name
- BT device names too long (clean device list manually)
- binding of EQ preset to output device type
- shuffle when Loop Track is active
- BT A2DP device could have one frequency on DAP
- reading of RATING Vorbis tag
- ...
* New:
- additional DSP view mode to show graphs on top of album-art image
! Fixed:
- track list group header could be hidden due to Setup -> Filename option when in albums, all tracks of artist, ...
- rare crash when trying to set ring tone
- crash when inside Queue and it gets cleared
- DSP widget could be duplicated in Landscape mode
- Top ctrl could stuck when in Landscape mode and Spectrum widget opened
- more crashes based on bug reports
* New:
- bind individual devices to Profile, EQ or FRC presets
- full hi-res support for Shanling DAPs
- native DSD256 for Fiio M15
- hi-res for Meizu PRO 5,6,7
* Recognize VOB as audio source (Video DVDs)
! Fixed:
- rare incompatibility with UAC1 with feedback DACs
- compatibility with some WebDAV servers delivering inconsistent root path
- respect Folder -> Filename option when pushing to Queue
- crash of SMB connection if incomplete reply
- playlist not read correctly
- ...
* New:
- possibility to import user EQ preset into Frequency Response Correction DSP;
- Non-oversampling (NOS) filter option for iBasso DX160 DAP.
* Speedup showing AutoEQ presets list in FRC DSP settings.
! Fixed:
- USB driver: compatibility issues with some DACs;
- Generic Driver: no output to some Bluetooth devices;
- empty WPL playlist;
- crash when trying to add new FRC preset in Landscape mode;
- ..
* Do not try to load network file's tags when opening playlist file to avoid large delay.
* Do not invalidate SMB source if shares were not detected but server is responding.
* Improved SMB source health detection on start and prevented SMB track unloading during it.
! Fixed:
- hi-res audio missing on some devices;
- external SD not detected on Samsung's Android 11;
- do not read ALBUMARTISTSORT tag to avoid incomplete Artist name (rescan source);
- compatibility with some streaming servers.
* New:
- support for Profiles (profile affects which DSP effects are active, see settings - Profiles).
* Improved compatibility with some WebDAV/HTTP and FTP servers.
* Support ALBUMARTISTSORT tag in Vorbis tags.
! Fixes.
! Fixed:
- fixed AGP is always set to On when restarted;
- Rms widget could become unhidable;
- provide Album Artist to the Last.fm scrobbler instead of Artist of the track for correct scrobbling.
* New:
- support for Profiles (profile affects which DSP effects are active, see settings - Profiles).
* Improved compatibility with some WebDAV/HTTP and FTP servers.
* Support ALBUMARTISTSORT tag in Vorbis tags.
! Fixed:
- crash while scanning WebDAV source;
- Waveform & Rms widgets not restored if Clock mode was active;
- not listed as music player for music files;
- album-art icon could be wrong sometimes when in DSP mode view;
- system background visible under the transparent panels.
* New:
- DSP visualizer mode: Waveform and RMS widget (use DSP icon in Playing Now, inherited from Neutron Audio Recorder);
- tag editing for MP3,FLAC,OGG,APE,SPEEX,WAV,WV,M4A,MP4 (supported storage: internal, SD [partial support, in dev.], SMB, SFTP);
- DSP visualization for DSD track sent as DSD to hardware;
- show album-art icon in place of category icon in Playing Now when album-art is hidden.
! Fixed:
- Android 11 music files access;
- reading of AIFFs with ID3v2 tags;
- ...
* New:
- option UI - DSP Effect: Button: to rearrange effect buttons in Controls screen;
- option Compressor - Filter: to filter out frequencies from the Compressor's analysis.
* Enabled hi-res Bluetooth for Fiio M DAPs.
* Improved SFTP source operation.
* Show multiselect button in the bottom panel when active.
! Fixed:
- USB driver: interruptions on Meizu DAC;
- FTP scanning.
! Fixed:
- crash on Android 5-6;
- next/prev not working for streaming entries inside playlist.
* New:
- SFTP (FTP over SSH) as new network source type: can replace SMB on Windows 10 with possibility of external access over port 22;
- ability to assign universal path prefix (USDx://) to SD/USB storage: Sources - [+] - File System - long-press SD/USB storage - Bind to USDx.
* New:
- support for Public Key authentication type for SSH/SFTP source;
- option Spectrum Analyzer - Follow Source Frequency: to scale spectrum analyzer window to the track's frequency.
* Support for Tile view for the lists of groups (albums, artists, folders, ...): long-press top-level group header (Artists, Albums, Folders, ...) - Setup - Tile View to activate (experimental).
* Improved:
- hi-res audio driver compatibility with Samsung Galaxy S20 devices;
- reconnection routine if network is changed during listening.
! Fixed:
- compatibility with Samsung Galaxy A devices (silence if Hi-Res Codec is On);
- track info not visible in Playing Now if color set to Black;
- ...
* New:
- 3 additional 16k presets for 40, 50, 60 bands for Parametric EQ;
- support MP3/MP2s of 2Gb+ on 32-bit systems.
! Fixed:
- Opus's Replay Gain;
- USB driver for synchronous UAC2 USB DACs;
- UPnP Renderer could start playing local track instead of next remote;
- UPnP Renderer could not keep playing if Loop Track List was active;
- local track starts playing when UPnP Renderer is interrupted by the system;
- slow playlist loading (regression of 2.13.0).
* Increased EQ bands to max 60
* New:
- multi-channel native DSD
- options in UI - Playing Now:
* Scroll Track: to auto-scroll long tracks
* Group-switch Mode: to toggle on/off the group switch buttons
* On-screen Controls: to toggle on/off the buttons on top of album-art area
- memorize and restore volume of UPnP and USB DAC devices
- source SMB over VPN
- lyrics in APE2 tags
- Replay Gain info in Opus
See more in Release Notes!
* New Media Library option - Guess Metadata: to turn off tags guessing from the filename if they are missing in the file.
* Removed limit for EQ's max gain and Q for manual input.
! Fixed:
- external SD could not be detected on Android 10 (confirmed for Galaxy S10);
- disabled Hi-Res Codec for Samsung Galaxy A50 due to no sound when active (use Custom Format for experiments);
- Folder - Setup: Track Nr not working if Filename option active for a folder entry.
* New:
- Setup - Sort By - Time (File): to sort tracks by file time;
- support Hi-Res Audio on FiiO M6 - M9 DAPs.
! Fixed:
- FTP source;
- interrupted playback of SACD ISO from SMB/CIFS source;
- opening CUE with file manager;
- Android Auto could not start process;
- track could stack in playing state if DSD, DoP option changed;
- UPnP/streaming album art not visible after orientation change;
- minor crashes.
* Increased EQ bands to max 60
* New:
- multi-channel native DSD
- options in UI - Playing Now:
* Scroll Track: to auto-scroll long tracks
* Group-switch Mode: to toggle on/off the group switch buttons
* On-screen Controls: to toggle on/off the buttons on top of album-art area
- memorize and restore volume of UPnP and USB DAC devices
- source SMB over VPN
- lyrics in APE2 tags
- Replay Gain info in Opus
See more in Release Notes!
* New Media Library option - Guess Metadata: to turn off tags guessing from the filename if they are missing in the file.
* Removed limit for EQ's max gain and Q for manual input.
! Fixed:
- external SD could not be detected on Android 10 (confirmed for Galaxy S10);
- disabled Hi-Res Codec for Samsung Galaxy A50 due to no sound when active (use Custom Format for experiments);
- Folder - Setup: Track Nr not working if Filename option active for a folder entry.
* New:
- Streaming: Shoutcast radio directory
- Streaming options: to disable/enable radio directory
- Play Track List Once - Rewind: to manage rewinding to the 1st track behavior
* Support for:
- hi-res audio on Kirin SoC (Huawei)
! Fixed:
- Share and Ringtone
- playing wrong track if manually selected in the list
- correct bitrate for streaming FLAC
- EQ icon not shown when Album Art option is switched off for the category
- do not show [+ Playlist] button for a new streaming entry
* Hi-res audio output support for more devices (Qualcomm SM6150, SM7150).
* New:
- Audio Hardware -> DSP Effect: support management of digital effects and gain on iBasso DX DAPs;
- Audio Hardware -> USB DAC: to enter DAC mode on iBasso DX DAPs;
- Share action for multiselection.
* Improved media browser service.
! Fixed:
- song rating for a next track not updated if UI not visible;
- tracks from CUE disappearing from Queue when source is refreshed;
- fixed Ringtone;
- fixed Share.
- support HiBy DAPs (R6, R6 PRO): PCM <= 32/384, DSD64-256;
- support DSD256 on Cayin N5ii DAP;
- show track number in notification and widgets;
- options UI - Playing Now - Shuffle Mode & Playback Mode: to enable/disable buttons in Playing Now panel;
- option Shuffle Mode;
- write relative paths to playlist files.
- USB DAC: volume control, operation;
- playlist management;
- hw mouse and keyboard support;
- APE: duration, seeking;
- voice search;
- ...
- ...
- long press Speaker icon to make gain controller persistent.
- network source check on process start;
- show volume meter if AGP is switched off;
- network album art image max size 32 MB.
- switch off Audio Hardware -> Hi-Res Codec (Direct PCM/Offload) for all HTC and Huawei devices due to incompatibility with hi-res output (silence) on some firmwares (re-activate this option again manually if your device worked ok);
- crash when toggling 64-bit Processing.
- Reverted to non-persistent notification behavior on < Android 8.
- Reset Service option to be off by default on Android 5+ (8+: for persistent notification switch on Service option).
- Show track nr and count in notification on Android 8+.
- New option:
- Folders -> Setup -> Filename: to replace metadata with a filename in the track list;
- Audio Hardware -> DSD, DSD over PCM -> Volume Control.
- Lock Preamp if EQ preset is locked and EQ is ON.
! Fixed:
- widgets on Android 8+;
- ...
* Notification will now always be shown when Neutron's service is active as per Google's requirement on Android 8+. This behavior is also spread to all supported Android versions.
! Fixed:
- starting from background on Android 8+;
- crash in USB driver when trying to output native DSD or DoP;
- reading ID3v2 comment block.
* Improved stability.
* Set Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option min limit to 0.01.
* Improved iBasso DX150 DAP support.
! Fixed:
- Direct USB Driver compatibility (regression since 2.02.0);
- media library UI path not restored if orientation chaged or UI re-entered;
- random album art shown for album-less tracks (-/-);
- crash (low memory) on attempt to load large BMP as album art.
* New:- save Preamp gain per EQ preset;- UI -> Panel: Top -> DSP Effect (Device) option;- Connection and Controls -> Sound Feedback option;- show marker on UI list entry with properties;* Support media buttons on Android 8+.* Improved:- USB driver compatibility with Android 8+;- Hi-res driver compatibility;- UPnP/DLNA streaming;- source file system watch;- screen swiping;- metadata reading of ACC;- WebDAV support.! Fixed:- Chromecast with Preview firmware;- ...
* Cayin DAPs (i5, N5ii, ...) hi-res support (PCM, DSD).* New:- swipe Up/Down album-art image to switch groups;- setting group UI -> Spectrum Analyzer;- option:* Spectrum Analyzer -> Delayed Peaks;* Media Library -> Precise Duration;* DSD, DSD over PCM -> Native DSD;- DSD encoded in WavPack;- play from a voice search 'Ok Google';- detect MQA track and expand it to the original frame rate;- group switching of Songs tracks when sorting by Artist/Album.! Fixes...
* Support for direct output:- DSD256 - DSD512 to USB DACs;- DSD64 - DSD512 to iBasso DX200 DAP.- DSD64 - DSD128 via DoP to LG V30 and similar with DoP support.* Improved:- Hi-Res Audio driver compatibility on Android 8+ (media buttons, hi-res);- performance on ARM64 devices.! Fixed:- support for UAC2 Adaptive USB DACs;- reading of tags in MusePack and APE files (re-scan sources);- Asian language soft-keyboard input.1.98.1-3:! Fixed:- failure to start (ARM64, Android 4.4).
* Improved:- compatibility of Hi-Res Audio driver implementation with more devices;- switching to a device frequency when Follow Source Frequency active;- Sequential playback mode: albums of groups, folders.* Group switching buttons when playing folder;! Fixed:- playback stops when in background;- soft-keyboard does not provide real-time input;- USB driver compatibility with some UAC2 DACs broken in 1.97.0;- do not turn-off DSP Effect (Device) when Low Latency is activated.
* Hi-Res Audio for devices which support it (Android 4.4+):- requirements in Audio Hardware: Generic Driver = ON, DSP Effect (Device) = OFF, Low Latency = OFF, 32-bit Output (IEEE 754) = OFF;- if supported: >1 frequency in Frequency, Bits [out >= 24];* New Playback Mode: Sequential - to play tracks continuously through the groups.* Support for:- 24-bit Lossless WMA;- OGA format.* Square UI in Multi Window mode.! Fixed:- USB Driver for some UAC1 DACs;- many more!
* New:- Generic Driver: Hi-Res support for iBasso DX200 DAP, Fiio X5 DAP - 24-bit, up to 192 kHz;- group properties via categories widget in a Playing Now screen (long press category button);- option Equalizer -> settings:- Plot, Frequency (<=): to set minimum frequency of the log2 bode plot;- Slider, Step: to adjust step of EQ slider on a Controls screen.* Improved UPnP renderer;! Fixed:- reading DFF files;- mismatched frequency labels on X axis of log2 Bode Plot.
* New:- Audio Hardware -> High Latency option: if distortion happens with OpenSL ES;- support for CP1253.! Fixed:- Speaker path is not selected for some USB DACs;- album's track list progress is not restored if Albums category is disabled in UI settings;- unstable streaming via Output To in FLAC format;- missing album name of some WAVs;- Replace Device Volume + Volume Limit of Output To;- Remove dialog deletes files/folders if all items are unchecked and dialog is confirmed.
* Improved:- compatibility with UAC2 DACs without internal volume control;- getting metadata from WAVs: treat Subject as Album;- bandwidth consumption when streaming.* Support getting year from a full date provided by metadata.! Fixed:- AAC stream is loaded with large delay;- MP3 stream sometimes has wrong format detected;- album art not always correctly centered;- some UI elements position on Galaxy S8.
* New:
- Streaming: Shoutcast radio directory
- Streaming options: to disable/enable radio directory
- Play Track List Once - Rewind: to manage rewinding to the 1st track behavior
* Support for:
- hi-res audio on Kirin SoC (Huawei)
! Fixed:
- Share and Ringtone
- playing wrong track if manually selected in the list
- correct bitrate for streaming FLAC
- EQ icon not shown when Album Art option is switched off for the category
- do not show [+ Playlist] button for a new streaming entry
* Increased EQ bands to max 60
* New:
- multi-channel native DSD
- options in UI - Playing Now:
* Scroll Track: to auto-scroll long tracks
* Group-switch Mode: to toggle on/off the group switch buttons
* On-screen Controls: to toggle on/off the buttons on top of album-art area
- memorize and restore volume of UPnP and USB DAC devices
- source SMB over VPN
- lyrics in APE2 tags
- Replay Gain info in Opus
See more in Release Notes!
* New Media Library option - Guess Metadata: to turn off tags guessing from the filename if they are missing in the file.
* Removed limit for EQ's max gain and Q for manual input.
! Fixed:
- external SD could not be detected on Android 10 (confirmed for Galaxy S10);
- disabled Hi-Res Codec for Samsung Galaxy A50 due to no sound when active (use Custom Format for experiments);
- Folder - Setup: Track Nr not working if Filename option active for a folder entry.
* New:
- Audio Hardware -> Oversampling option: to oversample tracks by 2,4,8,16 ratio.
* Improved:
- spectrum Log scale: flat for pink noise to show low and high bands with equal power;
- respect UI -> Playing Now -> Playback Timer setting in widgets;
- Pitch/Tempo DSP;
- stability and performance.
! Fixed:
- USB driver for UAC2 adaptive DAC's;
- SMB/UPNP source could become active if local network is off;
- playback could continue if trying to stop almost finished track.
- DSD256 on Cayin N5iiS DAP;
- Follow Source Frequency for: Output To devices, UPnP/DLNA renderer;
- toggle track format button to show Output format;
- option Direct USB Driver:
* Volume Control - Linear Scale: to fix DACs with linear volume control;
* - Control Interface: to fix some buggy DACs (Fiio E17K);
- [+ Playlist] for Streaming entries.
- avoid duplicate mount points of external SD (recreate source to SD if it became inactive!).
- WavPack-DSD seeking.
- support for DSD1024;
- Speaker DSP: options to display Delay as Time or Distance, to enable HF range time shift (for 2.1 emulation, higher quality reimplementation of STA's functionality).
- license checking behavior for offline usage case.
- some DTS files could not play (noise);
- bad track info if sent from Google Music via BubbleUPnP to local UPnP/DLNA renderer;
- occasional crash on process exit if SMB source active.
- replaced STA with crossover-like Speaker DSP (per channel: delay, attenuation, filter);
- group multiselect;
- Wake-Up Timer: volume control, ability to choose wake playlist;
- Audio Focus options: Stop Always, Volume;
- support multi-track Musepack (CUE);
- gain parameter for Band-Pass/Stop filter.
- DSD to PCM decoding speed;
- Hi-Res output driver;
- gapless for AAC;
- AGP's agility;
- database integrity tolerance.
- AAC's Replay Gain;
- fixed MPC;
- Playlists -> Recently Played (can be optional);
- per channel Phase Inversion;
- COMMENT tag of Vorbis (OGG, FLAC).
- Hi-Res driver;
- UPnP/DLNA core performance;
- Normalization handling.
- USB driver for UAC1 DACs;
- crash during scanning;
- unexpected forced source update;
- spontaneous playback start;
- Mono output not working on some firmwares;
- endless Normalization of some MP3s;
- Recently Added after Scan;
- Hi-Res output for Samsung S7/S8, Asus.
- Audio Hardware -> Channels: special volume matrix (X/Y-Way) for 5.1/7.1 output;
- Album-Artist/Composer tag support for UPnP/DLNA sources;
- Remove action for all track groups;
- Indonesian, Malay languages;
- UI;
- Android 8+ notifications;
- Light/Grey themes (Reset them to see changes);
- License check (check if Google Play Store version 10.17.19+ to avoid Trial Expiry).
- click sound in the tail of DSF;
- reading of UTF-8 encoded tags;
* New:
- playback mode - Play Track Once (Next);
- Wake Timer parameter - Duration;
- Android 9 (P) hi-res output support;
- support native DSD on Fiio DAPs (X5, X7, ...);
- Generic Driver option - Hi-Res Bluetooth A2DP.
* Improved:
- Hi-Res driver;
- WebDAV;
- Widgets;
- Bluetooth A2DP connection.
* Show EQ preset's preamp gain in preset edit dialog.
* Set parameter Fade On Stop max value to 10 seconds.
! Fixed:
- output to Bluetooth A2DP on iBasso DX200, Cayin DAPs;
- ...
* New:- grouped Playing Now screen related settings into a new group User Interface -> Playing Now;- settings group User Interface -> Track List: to modify general behavior of the track lists to show/hide - track nr, album name, time label;- support for FLAC 16-bit and MP3 formats of Output To streaming to Chromecast (for devices with low networkbandwidth and interrupting audio in FLAC 24-bit format).! Fixed:- Output To not connecting (regression in 1.96.3).
* New:- Chromecast support for Output To;- gapless support for UPnP/DLNA renderer;- Prev/Next actions for UPnP/DLNA renderer;- change groups by Page Up/Down keys of keyboard.! Fixed:- crash of Output To streaming to some UPnP/DLNA renderers;- reading WPL playlists;- tags not shown for endless streaming entries if they are changed by a Next/Prev button;- UPnP/DLNA renderer not changing to a next track;- OpenSL ES driver: noisy output on some firmwares when in background.